The One Percents - An Explanation

Over your lifetime, you will probably remember certain pieces of advice given to you or handed down by parents, managers, friends, loved ones. These pieces of advice or words of wisdom you can either reject or employ and they will help to shape you into the person you are today.

Certain hospitality managers have impacted on me over my career and words of wisdom have indeed stuck and I still stick by them and in fact pass them on to others. Here are a few that I always remember.

Don’t come to me with a problem, come to me with a solution

Always start with the end in mind

It’s the focus on the 1%’s that will help you to get to 100%

The last one was by a manager called Jamie at the Rosstown Hotel in Carnegie, Melbourne where I worked first as a bottle shop assistant then as an Assistant Manager for about six months back in 2002. In my mind he was one of the best managers I ever worked with, the way he ran the 200 seat bistro was inspirational

I will always remember this piece of advice and I use it continuously because it is so true as it relates to the small details that make an experience perfect, which is what we should be aiming for.

It is very easy to build the bricks and mortar of a hospitality business (well, sort of) so let’s say that’s 50%, then you staff it, 30%, then you add machinery and ingredients, 15%, then you add decor 5%. These are the major components (these figures are very much pie in the sky, but I hope you get my meaning)

Your end goal is to be as perfect as possible within your constraints and once you are up and running with everything, then your major % ages should remain static. i.e the building at 50% will generally always be there, your suppliers are in place and your staff are working, you have machinery and ingredients all working effectively so therefore your majority % ages are in place.

So now it is the 1%’s that make you up to 100% are the next things to focus on. The smaller details. I find that these smaller details are also the ones that can and do change more often.

How are the flowers arranged?

What soap do you use in the bathrooms?

Are all the light globes working?

Is the floor clean and tidy and clear of anything that should not be on the floor?

How are the sugar bowls arranged?

How clean are your windows?

How is your storage area organised?

How is the music sound levels and appropriateness?

How is the lighting?

The list can go on and on, but the premise is the same. Of course I also say these with caution, as focussing too much can be overdoing it and drive you crazy.

We try very hard at Kaffeine to focus on these small details to make your experience as close to 100% as possible. We think the effort pays off, we hope you do too. And if Jamie, or anyone who knows Jamie is reading this, thank you for the advice, I much appreciate it.

Peter Dore-Smith
Kaffeine Ltd
66 Great Titchfield st.
15 Eastcastle st.

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